Adult Friends for Youth (AFY) -2019-
The HKF is honored to support the efforts of community for the young adults of Hawaiʻi.
Premiere agency that promotes school and community safety by redirecting lives through advocacy and empowerment.
Redirecting lives to stop violence in order to strengthen family and community safety, while promoting healthy well-being for all youth so that they can reach their full potential.
AFY's Redirectional Therapy (RT) is centered on their core programs which are; Neighborhood Outreach, School-Centered Counseling, Clinical C-Base Alternative Education Program and Student Anti-Bullying and Violence Conventions, The PEARL (Promoting Peace, Empathy, Acceptance, Respect and Love). Each program is designed to stop the violence and anti-social behaviors, but also help increase educational achievement and broaden the student's experience.
AFY currently serves over 300 youth weekly, many of which are engaged in destructive behaviors such as violence fights, and criminal activity that often leads to school failure, gang involvement, and substance use. Without proper intervention these youth as they transition into adulthood, are at risk of incarceration, unemployment, homelessness and poverty. Utilizing the RT will help steer them away from these potential pitfalls and keep them on track to experience success and live productive and meaningful lives.