Hana Nai'a Aromatherapy Hawai'i Makahiki Celebration

Hana Nai'a Aromatherapy Hawai'i selected the Henry Kapono Foundation as one of the charities highlighted during their 2021-2022 Makahiki Celebration.


Mahalo to Hana Nai'a Aromatherapy Hawai'i for selecting the Henry Kapono Foundation as one of the charities highlighted during their Makahiki Celebration.  From November 2021 through February 2022, they donated a portion of their weekly sales to an organization that aligned with their goals, resulting in a generous donation of $500.  

Hana Nai'a Aromatherapy Hawai'i, Giving Back to the Community We Love

Makahiki, is a Hawaiian tradition observing a four-month span reserved for the celebration of the new year, peace, and thanks.  The tasks of day-to-day life, war, and certain kapu (laws) were suspended to allow Hawaiians to celebrate the harvest and honor Lono, the god of peace, agriculture, and fertility.  Makahiki marked the beginning of the winter season with cool and rainy weather and Hawaiians used this time to give thanks for the year's harvest and engage in sport, hula, feasting, and rest.  This was a joyous time for all.


Home In The Islands Concert - Over $50k Raised for the Henry Kapono Foundation!


Sak’s 5th Avenue 2021 August Donation Drive