Emergency Medical Equipment
Kōkua Grant

The Henry Kapono Foundation is honored to offer our Emergency Medical Equipment (EME) Kōkua Grant
The primary focus of the Henry Kapono Foundation’s Emergency Medical Equipment (EME) Kōkua Grant is to assist Hawaiߵi Music Industry Professionals needing permanent or temporary medical equipment for their personal use. The HKF provides quarterly awards of up to $1,000 to assist in the cost of needed EME for individuals who demonstrate financial hardship (need).
Equipment can include Hearing & Vision Aids, Blood Sugar Meters, Infusion Pumps, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Wheelchairs, Oxygen Equipment, Patient Lifts, and Hospital Beds. If you have any questions regarding the equipment in need, please email Aloha@henrykaponofoundation.org.

Now Accepting Applications!
Consideration of EME awards will be prioritized based on the Guidelines & Terms as noted here among the applications submitted within the designated application cycle.
Frequently Asked Questions
Complete the application form via the HKF EME Application link above
Yes, it is required that all applicants have at least 2 years of professional experience in the music entertainment industry in Hawaiߵi.
Yes, this EME Grant is only available to residents of Hawaiߵi
Basic personal & business information will be required to verify you as a music professional in Hawaiߵi. You will be asked to describe the EME in need and sign a declaration of information as personal certification of the application. Please see the Guidelines, Terms & Conditions HERE.
Please include any and all information that would help us understand your situation should be included.
Applications are accepted from the first to the last day of each calendar quarter as noted on the terms HERE.
Applications will be evaluated and awarded from the 1st through the 14th of the calendar month following the deadlines as noted in the Guidelines, Terms & Conditions HERE. An HKF representative will contact the applicant with any clarifications needed.
Applicants can reapply after 12 months of receiving an award.
You must be an active professional in the music industry for a minimum of 2 years.
You must be a resident of Hawaiߵi for a minimum of 2 years.
Dependents, other employment status, spouse employment status, and other variables will be taken into account when reviewing these applications.
Approvals will be based on the review of qualifications. Should the number of qualified applications in a quarter exceed the number of available awards, the foundation will give preference based on financial circumstances & the narrative describing the need for the EME.
The HKF will be awarding one grant each calendar quarter as noted in the terms HERE.
The EME grants will be distributed via check through the U.S. Postal Service, Certified mail to the awardee within seven days of email receipt confirming the award acceptance letter being received.
Note: A receipt of delivery with a signature will be required, and you will be responsible for any individual signing/receiving this mail at the address you provide in your application.
Once you meet the criteria as established in the application, then you may reapply once you are able to meet those requirements. The re-submitted application will be reviewed within the quarter award cycle in which it is received by HKF.
Any application found to have inaccurate information may render refusal of this, and future applications.
The information you provide is COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL and will be in consideration for the EME grant award process only. Your name and contact information will be added to the Henry Kapono Foundation Music Industry Professional Subscriber Database for notification of future support programs for Hawaiߵi’s music professionals.
The Henry Kapono Foundation Emergency Medical Equipment Grant Application Guidelines, Terms & Conditions are available HERE